Tuesday, May 11, 2021

Georgian Era Queen Anne Style Doll....SOLD



She's been waiting for me patiently for the past weeks to have her clothing finished. All done today!  I am very pleased how it came out. This 17" doll is beautiful , her eyes would speak to your heart!  I always love to pick my dollies names, for now on I'll let it up to the new mom.  If you are interested in purchasing her, please contact me at:



Her entire body is made of wood, except for her cloth upper arms.  She has beautiful antique glass eyes, her wig is an antique mohair in a lovely carrot red color.
Since the very beginning I envisioned her wearing a delicate day cap that will go along with the light textures of the cottons and chintz fabrics I chose to make her dress. So, after looking at some hair styles of that era, I got inspired and made a simple but very stylish French twist.

Here she is wearing her shift ( or chemise as it was later called).

Underpetticoats were also known as "dickey petticoats"

Stockings and Embroidered silk garters in the 18th century style.

I made a teeny-tiny needle to lace her stays.

Stays: Example of 19th century silk damask textile in a lovely green color. It's decorated with a panel of metallic embroidery in gold threads, probably Turkish, ca. late 19th century.

Wooden busk: Engraved with floral and geometric motifs.

I made her cloth pockets of a lovely Victorian quilt fragment.

She is wearing a bum-roll in the 18th century fashion (revival style)

Skirt: glazed cotton chintz, ca. 1920's.  Lovely chocolate background, it still retains its glaze after almost 100 years!

Her skirt has secret pocket-slits, so she can reach to her secret cloth pockets . She is also wearing a cotton batiste fichu, from the Victorian era.

She is wearing an English gown also known  Robe à l’Anglaise.  It closes in the front with hooks and eyes and is open over the skirt.

Apron: Whitework embroidery on cotton batiste.

Day cap: Also known as "pinner cap". It's made of the same fabric as the fichu

Her muff is dainty! It is padded and covered with  a lovely brocade fabric.

And her high-heel shoes in the 18th century style finishes the look. 


  1. What a wonderful way to start the day, viewing this lovely doll and her exquisite clothing! Love the explanation of her garments.

  2. Exquisite work as always! Would you ever consider doing a behind the scenes types of posts? I’m so fascinated by your attention to detail. I love to see artists’ spaces and parts of their process.

    1. Thank you Jen! You will be able to see behind the scenes of how I dress my dolls, on May 19 at 7pm EST. Visit my most recent post for more info!

  3. As ever, lovely dolls and fabulous costumes! I was fortunate to purchase two of your Queen
    Ann dolls early in your career -- still love them and will treasure them. Thank you!

  4. Thank you Elizabeth!. I'm glad you love your dolls.
