Wednesday, November 15, 2023

Miss Autumn, 14" Wooden Pandora Doll...SOLD

Her name is Miss Autumn, she is one of my latest creations. Finely carved 14" wooden pandora doll. Her entire body is made of wood, except for her cloth upper arms.  She has beautiful antique glass eyes; her wig is made of antique mohair in a lovely dark brown color. From the moment I started designing her, I envisioned my doll dressed in this blue brocade silk that have captivated my eyes since the very first time it became part of my textile collection. It's a striking silk brocade with a bizarre design from the early years of the 18th century, with a beautiful gold metallic weave and brocaded stylized leaves and flowers!  I have posted several photos for you to see step-by-step how I have dressed her and all the details of this doll. Enjoy it! 
If you are interested in purchasing her, contact me at:


Miss Autumn comes with a fabulous wardrobe and accessories that will surely delight you, all hand-made and historically accurate.

The shift is considered the most basic garment of the 18th century woman's wardrobe. It plays an essential role because not only does it protect her clothing from the body moisture, but also will protect her from the roughness of some elaborate textiles, like the textile her gown if made of, brocaded with metallic and silk threads.

Her quilted petticoat dates from the Civil War Era.

Stays: It is made of an early 19th century pink silk brocade with a lovely floral pattern in small scale, a rare survivor in such wonderful condition.

She is delighted with her double cloth pockets, 1880's quilted cotton textile.

Two-piece gown: Bizarre silk dating from 1710-1720

Fichus were important and necessary accessory for women of that era, worn during the day to be protected from the sun, for warmth or modesty. 

Muff: 19th century Ottoman embroidery with metallic threads. It depicts tiny pineapples, pomegranates and delicate floral sprays. Her muff is padded for extra warmth!

Her shoes, pinball and muff are a three-piece matching set, made with this beautiful early embroidered textile.

The bum roll makes a great understructure to achieve the fashionable 18th century silhouette.

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